5 Easy Tips That Will Massively Increase Your Blog Traffic
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Are you new to blogging and looking for ways to massively increase your blog traffic?
Well, let's get right to it! Below I am sharing with you 5 easy beginner tips that will generate more visitors to your blog.
5 Things I Do Everyday That Drive Tons of Traffic to my Blog

1. Connect
Each day I carve out time to spend on Instagram, Facebook, Etsy, and Pinterest connecting with my followers. I found that spending a little time each day on all of my social media accounts by responding to my messages and inquiries has helped me tremendously to build credibility and community with my followers.
And as a giveback, my followers and subscribers are the first to receive my shop updates and flash sales. Also, using these platforms I can offer them additional free content with my wreath making tutorials and behind the scenes look of owning a small business.
The takeaway tip here is to spend more time connecting than consuming on these platforms. Engaging and connecting is vital to building an audience and for driving traffic to your blog!
2. Consistent Content
The greatest piece of advice I think I ever received from successful bloggers is to pursue consistency. We are creatures of habit and generally thrive off of following a routine. The same goes with blogging and posting content.
Developing a consistent content structure for your website or blog produces growth and encourages traffic to your site. It relays to readers and search engines that you are providing a wealth of content and topics that are likely to be relevant to their searches.
Consistent Content is what makes your brand and blog credible to your niche. Plus! Your followers will develop a sense of community and feeling of belonging when they know what to expect from your blog and content.
I create my monthly content schedule using Microsoft Xcel on my computer which helps me to stay on track with my posting and content goals. I would highly recommend doing something similar.
Commenting and engaging on other people’s blog posts or social media sites usually brings good karma. When you interact with others, usually others will return the sentiment.
Plus! It gives you the opportunity for your blog name to be seen on a various array of platforms. It is a good idea to use your blog name as your social media handle, so that when you make comments and interact with people, they can read your blog name and get to know you as a content creator.
This is an easy way to get more views to your site. I have had the wonderful opportunity to be featured on a few blog sites as a guest blogger just simply be commenting and connecting with people. It is definitely a helpful growth strategy you will want to be doing every day.
featured on:
4. Collaborate
Create a list of bloggers that you think would be good for your niche and growth goals. Reach out to them and propose some kind of collaboration such as a giveaway or guest hosting on each other’s blog. Just like I said before, connecting, commenting, and collaborating is critical for driving traffic to your blog.
shop my office looks. click images.
5. Coding
Coding is basically a loose word that I came up with that starts with the letter “c” referring to SEO and keywords usage.
Every day you should be making sure that your blog post and blog titles are filled with keywords that will help you to get ranked on various search engine platforms.
Plus! Using specific keywords will help your readers to have a clear understanding what your blog content will offer them.
For example, my blog title explains that I will be offering 5 tips in my blog post that will help bloggers increase their blog traffic. In addition, my opening blog statement confirms to my readers that my post will definitely be including 5 tips that will help bloggers drive more traffic to their blog. Boom- Straight to the point!
“Coding” your blog with keywords truly creates a readable format for your readers and provides search engines with topic specific words that are searchable for your niche.
Also, using bold face font helps the post to be easily read and straight forward and to the point. We all want instant gratification! I know I sure do.
When we have an issue, we want an answer right away. Honing in on your keywords and making your content easy to read and straight to the point is so important to increasing your blog traffic.
Lastly, be sure to add your social media share buttons and Pinterest Pins to your blog. This gives your audience and readers the opportunity to drive more traffic to your blog for you. Teamwork makes the Dreamwork!
These 5 simple growth tips are the key basic beginner steps that I would highly recommending you implementing daily into your routine in order to lead more traffic to your blog. I have curated my blogging strategies based on these 5 actionable guidelines and have been so amazed by the results as fairly new blogger. These blogging tips will certainly point you in the right direction.
Comment below your favorite growth strategy tip!
For more helpful ways to grow your blog, I invite you to read my Ultimate Do's and Don'ts Guide to Growing a Blog and Earning Passive Money With Affiliate Links, which highlights specific beginner tips that will help you to become more successful with using Affiliate links and earning commission.
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Follow me on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook to stay update with my blog and shop sales! Together we can cure Friedreich's Ataxia (FA). I look forward to connecting with you.
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